time: 21.05.2012
nick: dhabletbhan
Can you smoke xannax
Can You Smoke Xanax? - Answers.Ask.com
You may be able to smoke Xanax, but there is no reason to try. It is not meant to be smoked. You will not feel any effect. It is meant to be... view more.
Can you smoke xanax? | ChaCha
Can you smoke xanax? ChaCha Answer: You may be able to smoke Xanax, but there is no reason to try. It is not meant to be smoked. You.
Smoking Xanax? - Hip Forums
So I've heard that you can lace your weed with xanax, anyone else heard of this?. sedatives, or stimulants NOTHING. some people will say you can smoke higher.
Can i smoke Xanax on tin foil? | ChaCha - Questions & Answers | ChaCha
Can i smoke Xanax on tin foil? ChaCha Answer: I am sure anything including Xanax can be smoked by using tin foil, but it is very dang...
Can benzos be effectively smoked? [Archive] - Bluelight
You can smoke ritalin too but I woudln't suggest it, those fillers would burn like a. roofies are pretty much the only benzo that can be smoked. You said you have xanax.
Can you smoke xanax and still get a high? - Yahoo! Answers
Best Answer: Depends on whether the drug vapourises or decomposes when heated. I've never heard of anyone doing it, so you'd have to try it and see. But.
What happens when you smoke xanax? - Yahoo! Answers
Best Answer: It would probably be an interesting effect, but why?. It does nothing but waste the xanax.
Can you smoke xanax-Drugs Questions answered-Health002.com
Answers for Can you smoke xanax-Yes, it is very fun. I do it all the time. I would recommend mixing it with something green and sticky. Good combo. ChaCha
Smoking - Smoking Alprazolam (Xanax) - Drugs Forum
To make full use of this site and unlock functionality, you can create a FREE. SWIM has seen lab rats attempt to smoke xanax, the result was some burnt tobacco and.
Can you smoke a xanax - The Q&A wiki
How do you smoke xanax? xanax is definitely not supposed to be smoked. you can sure try, but it will probably just be wasted. Can you smoke Xanax?

Can you smoke xannax Can you snort xanax - Topix
Xanax drug interactions (July 2010) | NOLA.com Can You Shoot Up Xanax? - Answers.Ask.com Can you smoke xanax-Drugs Questions answered-Health002.com Can you smoke xanax on foil - Ar level equivalent to dra Can you smoke xanax on foil - Ar level equivalent to dra Can you snort xanax - Topix .